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OptiPhone PLUS 2.5

OptiPhone PLUS 2.5

OptiPhone PLUS Publisher's Description

Judge it for yourself ? what desk phone will enable you to accurately monitor who and when called you, which business partner or colleague was trying to contact you, without a need for a long search? Now, you have all the information clearly and accurately available at the first glance ? by pressing a button, you can return the call immediately. However, that is not all ? are you sorry that you have to search hard and then manually dial phone numbers stored, for example, in MS Outlook, MS Excel, or MS Access applications? Again, pressing a button is all it takes to connect. You definitely already experienced a situation, in which you would have a use for the number you called two days ago. No problem ? the long-time history of outgoing as well as incoming calls is always available ? therefore, you do not need to worry that you would loose some important contact. In addition, everything is enhanced by a possibility to control the program from a different application or to transfer data to a different application (DDE interface). The OptiPhone may be modified to meet a customer's individual needs. That enables, for example, a simple implementation of contact forms for agents, which are connected to the data sources. Similarly, it is also possible to build systems for automatic calls to customers and transfers to agents. Thanks to the OptiPhone program, a lot of new improvements and processes, which are impossible with regular telephones and whose utilization may increase personal as well as company productivity, save a lot of time, effort, and inconvenience, are available now ? would not it be waste not to use this opportunity?

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